March 2, 2022. Ash Wednesday Mass. Homily, Bishop Terry LaValley
March 6, 2022 First Sunday of Lent, Homily, "Remember Who We Are, and Whose We Are," Fr. Joseph Morgan
March 13, 2022 Second Sunday of Lent, Homily, "Seeking Transfiguration", Bishop Terry LaValley
March 20, 2022 Third Sundah of Lent, Homily, "Repentance--Now is the Moment", Fr. Joseph Morgan
March 25, 2022. Solemnity of the Annunciation. Bishop Terry LaValley, Homily: "Mary's 'Yes'"; Consecration of Russia &
Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
March 27, 2022. Fourth Sunday of Lent, Homily, "The Prodigal Father", Fr. Jude Nnadibuagha
April 3, 2022. Fifth Sunday of Lent. Homily, "The Woman and the Christ", Father Jude Nnadibuagha
April 7, 2022. Chrism Mass Homily, Bishop Terry LaValley
April 10, 2022. Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion, Homily, Bishop Terry LaValley
April 14, 2022. Holy Thursday - Mass of The Lord's Supper. Father Jude Nnadibuagha, "This is My Body"
April 16, 2022. Easter Vigil In the Holy Night, Homily, Bishop Terry LaValley
April 17, 2022. Easter Sunday Mass, Homily, Deacon Jim Crowley
June 19, 2022. Corpus Christi, 11:00AM Mass, Homily, Bishop Terry LaValley