St. Mary’s Cathedral
Notre Dame Church
125 Ford Avenue
Ogdensburg, New York 13669
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Bishop LaValley has granted us permission to reopen our churches for public worship. We rejoice that some of us can come together to worship God and receive the Eucharist that strengthens and unites us. We ask for your cooperation and patience as we begin our journey toward normal worship and practice. Right now, it is safer for those over 65 and those with underlying health issues to remain at home. I realize this is a sacrifice, but it is for your own safety.
We have developed a parish plan that will allow us to celebrate Mass and the Sacraments in a safe and responsible way. While we have “flattened the curve” of the coronavirus, there are still risks to all of us that require out attention and caution. Our parish plan conforms to the requirements set forth in Bishop LaValley’s decree for reopening our churches for public worship. That decree and its requirements were drafted with the assistance of medical professionals and public health officials to assure that we are following the best practices for protecting our own health and the health of those around us. If all of us follow our parish plan, we will be safe in gathering for our worship. Even if we are not showing symptoms, each of us should think of ourselves and everyone we meet as a potential carrier of the virus. If we adhere to the precautions set forth in our plans, the risks of infection are substantially reduced. Wearing our masks, washing our hands and keeping our distance protects us and others.
Our parish plan is displayed in our churches and is on our website. I am also including a copy of the plan with this letter. Let me highlight some ways in which you can help us safely return to worship.